Practice bending, twisting, breathing, relaxing and more with Yoga Pretzels, a vibrant and colorful set of illustrated cards that provide a healthy dose of fun and education while teaching all the basics of yoga to help your head and heart.
Founded by Tara Guber and directed by Leah Kalish, Yoga Ed. develops health and wellness courses and materials that educate children, teachers and parents about the benefits of yoga! Our friends Tara and Leah co-wrote our Yoga Pretzels Deck, an exciting, educational addition to our Yoga Pretzels collection! Please visit the Yoga Ed. website to find out more about how to bring Yoga Ed. to your school or community!
Yoga Pretzels: 50 Fun Yoga Activities for Kids & Grownups
SKU : 1905236042e4t6gfdsdef